Nitesun New Arrival Giveaway

2889次 2019-03-18

Nitesun New Tactical Flashlight Launch Giveaway

This Official FB Giveaway for new tactical flashlight models NS19/NS20 begins on 18th March at 18:00(HKD) and ends on 31st March at 18:00 (HKD)

1. Qualification: No threshold to the ones who own a FB account.

2. Prize: 9 sets (NS19 and NS20 are optional)

3. Participate: Log in your FB account and find Nitesun Facebook Page:


1>Like Nitesun Facebook page

2>Like &Comment on the Giveaway post with the model you like

3>Invite 2 of your friends to participate in (your friends need do: Like Nitesun page and comment on the post &tag your FB account. Just take mine for an example)


I like NS19@Jenna Nitsun


4>You three buddies to be one team to win the prize

5>Share Nitesun giveaway post to your own social account to get likes/comments/shares.


4. Winner Selection: 3 lucky teams will be selected from all the eligible candidates in accordance with the total quantity of your likes/comments/shares (You three buddies' in total).

Each one of the winner-teams will be awarded one flashlight you like. That means your team can get 3 flashlights as long as you are in the top 3.

* The team who fails to comply with the Enter Rule will give up qualification by default.

5. Winner notification: Team-Winner name list will be announced by Nitesun Official Facebook on 2nd April and winners should respond our message via Facebook messager by 7th April of notification. Any delayed reply is beyond our responsibility and the prizes would be offered to the Top4/Top5.

6. Delivery: Nitesun will ship out the NS19/NS20 after the winner list confirmed by 15th April.


Note: top 10 teams will get another chance to have other new arrival flashlights reviewed(free sample)







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